Soul Fitness 4 Kids
is a spiritualized physical education program that prepares the youth to be better equipped to succeed in life!
Please contact me if you want to start a Soul Fitness 4 Kids class in your community.
Email: / Phone: 404-436-2390
Soul Fitness 4 Mothers & Children (ages 4-6) 30-minute classes / Prices Vary
Soul Fitness 4 Kids (Ages 6-9) 60-minute classes / Prices Vary
Soul Fitness 4 Youth (Ages 9-12) 90-minute classes / Prices Vary
Soul Fitness 4 Teenagers (Ages 13-19) 120-minute classes / Prices Vary
CLASS INCLUDE: (*different age groups cover different info)
Prayer Time
1) An exercise while verbally speaking and memorizing the scripture,
2) Traveling while learning about Biblical Geography, History & a Quote,
3) An agility drill
4) A vocabulary word to learn during the agility drills
5) Sport information, sport cues & practice
6) Information on nutrition
7) A non-sport related game
8) Warm up stretch, body weight exercise, and or abdomen exercises
9) Etiquette
Prayer Time
Phone: 404-436-2390
“I like the coach’s class because we get to do hurdles and speed ladders and I like the scripture in Mark 12:29-31 ‘Hear Oh Israel the Lord of God is one, and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength and you shall your neighbor as yourself.’“
“I like the most, running around the house and doing spiritual exercises and memorizing scriptures like… ‘whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, you do all for the glory of God.’”
“I like that the coach tells us to know, love and serve God and we need to follow Gods commandments… I learned about the scripture: ‘every athlete exercises self-control in all things, they do it to win a perishable crown but we an imperishable one…’ the scriptures he teaches us are very good for knowing God.”
“I like doing laps around the house, when the coach talk about God and I learn about Gods teachings and I learned scriptures like Psalm 46:10 ‘be still and know that the Lord is God” ………and exercises… I like the breathing exercises:' ‘long in good high tall.’”
“I like when we do the exercises, when we run ... I learned the scriptures … ‘and I Prayed that Christ will be more and more at home in my heart living in me as I trust in him…’”
“I like the games in the class and I learned the scriptures and we need to love other people. Psalm 46:10 ‘be still and know that the Lord is God, he will be exalted among the nations and on the earth.’”
“My favorite thing was learning about ‘joy!’”
“I liked the verses of the Bible and the exercises.”
"I learned how to delight in breathing!"
"It was fun and all the little note cards were nice. You're a good teacher. I like playing games, and when you come you meet new friends!"
“I loved always playing a fun game around prayer. 10 out of 10!"
"I liked that we can learn about God while we exercise."
"My kids are very happy attending the classes and being part of Soul Fitness Ministries. They are not only doing variety of exercises and sports …they are learning about the importance of our Catholic Faith. It’s beyond Physical Education. It’s a program as its name is. It is Soul Fitness. This class will help you grow in your spiritual life, working the body and the soul. Coach B is very enthusiastic, athletic, joyful, funny, and a nice, happy catholic man. He is organized, positive and also prepares materials and good videos in different location that support and review what the kids learn each class. They also practice learning virtues and good messages based in our faith. I highly recommend the program that will encourage not only your kids, but your whole family to grow in faith... my family is very grateful …it’s not a coincidence that we meet Coach B, it is what I call… a Godcidence. - PR (SF4K’s Mom with 6 kids in the class)
“Soul Fitness was a wonderful experience for my children, not only did they get great opportunities to get physical exercise, but they learned scripture verses that will be with them for a lifetime. Thank you coach Stephen!” - NZ (SF4K’s Mom with 3 kids in the class)
Ellie is loving your curriculum. It's enriching our conversations already.
Fascinating etymology of the surrounding geographical landscape! - NPIt’s a great program not only for the kids, but for all the family! - PR
The First thing we do is pray, and learn about a scripture from the Bible, that is paired with body movement.
Psalm 46:10 reminds us to ‘Be still and know that the LORD is God. He will be exalted among the nations. He will be exalted among the earth.’
And while we think on this, we deLIGHT in breathing, by deeply exhaling… and then breath in long, in, Good, high, and tall. (High and Tall is what you see above.)
The first 9 exercises we learn are the following…
Psalm 46:10 #1 deLIGHT in Breathing
Be Still and Know that the Lord is God. He will be exalted among the nations, He will be exalted in the earth.
Ephesians 3:17 #2 More and More
“I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in my heart, living within me as I trust in Him. May my roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.”
1 Corinthians 9:25 #3 Military (Attention) / Athletic Stance / Military (At Ease)
“A true athlete will be disciplined in every respect, practicing constant self-control in order to win a wreath that quickly withers (or a gold medal that collects dust). But we run our race to win a victor’s crown that will last forever.”
Mark 12:29-31 #4 Love is the BEST
“Jesus answered ‘The first of all the commandments is, Hear O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself.’”
1 Corinthians 10:31 #5 Whatever you do!
“Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Peter 2:13-14 #6 Respect and Obedience
“In order to honor the Lord, submit yourself to your human authority for the Lords sake. For they are sent by Him for the punishment of evil doers, and for praising those who do well.”
James 3:2 #7 Tame Your Tongue
“In many things we offend all, if any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect (mature) man, and able also to bridle the whole body."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 #8 Control Your Body
“What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
Psalm 116:9 #9 Walking
"I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.”
Please call Coach Burnette at 404-436-2390 for more information.